Inspire Multi-purpose Masonry Theme
Inspire Multi-purpose Masonry Theme is a cutting-edge, masonry based, multi-purpose theme. With its clean design it is great for projects that emphasizes a stylistic and modern look. Add the powerful grayscaling option for an instant artistic, noir feel and Inspire is sure to stand out in its own understated “less-is-more” kind of way.
Driven by AJAX the Inspire theme will load posts seamlessly for a smooth and uninterrupted browsing experience.
But don’t let Inspire’s understated design fool you, underneath the hood is a very powerful and flexible set of options that will let you customize almost every aspect of the theme. Every item on the homepage is made up of components that you can use as building blocks to create just the right look and function you need. You can even add media like videos and audio to each post to be displayed right on the front page for an integrated multimedia experience.
Click here to download Inspire Multi-purpose Masonry Theme