WP ACF VC Bridge Integrates Advanced Custom Fields
The full list of available criteria:
Single Product Output Rules for outputting your content on individual products.
Specific Products – Choose what products this content should show up on.
Product Types – Choose to display the content on all products which are of a particular type.
Product in Categories – Choose to display the content on all products in a particular set of categories.
Products with Attributes – Display the content on products that have specific attributes.
Product Price Range – Content will display on products that are in this price range.
Stock Status – Display the content on products that are in or out of stock.
Stock Level Range – Display the content on products which have inventory in a particular range.
WP ACF VC Bridge Integrates Advanced Custom Fields
Sale Start and End dates – Display the content when the product is on sale between these dates.
Sale Status – Display when the product is or is not on sale.
General Output Rules – These rules can be used to further filter Single Product rules, or to define rules that show up else where on the site. Since these rules do not rely on product specific data, they can be used to configure content to show up anywhere on your store.
Specific Roles – Display the content to specific user roles.
Specific Users – Display the content to specific users.
Cart Total – Display the message when the cart total is more or less than a particular value.
Cart Products – Display the message when particular products are in the cart, at a specific quantity level..
Categories of Products in Cart – Display the message when products from categories are in the cart, at a specific quantity level.
WP ACF VC Bridge Integrates Advanced Custom Fields
Conditional Content is also the perfect companion extension to Dynamic Pricing. With conditional content, you can configure a set of rules that match your pricing structure. Great for displaying your complex advanced Dynamic Pricing rules on specific products or throughout your store. Since conditional content gives you the ability to display content on products when certain quantities of items are added to the cart, it’s a great way to let users know about a discount they can receive if they purchase more products.